Friday, June 6, 2008

Class Projects/ English 1AB

In 2008, some of these projects were new ideas, others were assigned previously, but multimedia was added as a vehicle to communicate or extend the theme or message of the project. Here are a few examples of projects:

1.Sonnets/Analysis w/ Multi-media: Intro to Midsummer Night's Dream.
2.Final Project/Original Song: Song with accompanying story/analysis Multimedia element, feature on blog.(new)
3.Blog: Portfolio of work, showcasing all of the mentioned projects. (new,embed)
4. Comic Life: Shadowing Holden Stories (new)
5. Miscellaneous technology: creative introduction to JD Salinger.

1 comment:

shig said...

These are not the best projects, but a collage of projects with diffent themes, styles and content.